Use these instructions to set up you board:
The aim of this game is to try and defeat all of the alien settlements before the other player. You need to take back control of the solar system from the hands of invading aliens, before you opponent can take over.
There are 10 alien settlements that are placed around the solar system. Each player has a rocket to navigate through the game. Each play also has their own Human Settlements which are added when you get a special card. To win the game you need to be the first player to defeat all the alien settlements, as as well as any of your opponent's settlements.
When it is your turn, point your rocket in the direction you wish to travel - up, down, left, or right, or diagonally (at 45 degrees to the grid). Then roll the dice and move your rocket that number of squares in a straight line. If you meet settlement you stop at that point and battle the owner. If you meet a resource you stop and take an appropriate card. If you go off the edge of the board you reappear on the opposite side and carry on in same direction.
To defeat an alien settlement, you need to navigate to a square next to the settlement. On your next go you roll the dice up to three times to attack. The attack is successful if you roll a 5 or 6, in which case you then insert your flag in one of the holes to show that you have conquered that settlement.
During the game human settlements may be added to the board (as a result of a resource card) Players need to defeat their opponent's human settlements too. To defeat a human settlement, the attacker first rolls a dice, and the number is noted. Then the defender rolls the dice. If the defenders number is the same or higher than the attackers, then the settlement is not defeated this turn. It is now the other player's turn. If the attack is successful, the human settlement is then removed from the board.
The Alien Base must be defeated once you have defeated all the other settlements. To defeat last settlement you need to roll two 5s or 6s. If your first attempt gets interrupted by the need to attack another human settlement, you must start your final attack again and get to new 5 or 6s.
The winner of the game is the first player to defeat all the alien settlements, and any opposition human settlements that have been added to the board.
There are two types of resource cards: Minerals and Gases. When you run into a speacial card, you stop on that square and take the appropriate card. Read the card and follow the instruction.
Some of the special cards tell you add a human settlement to the board. When you get one of these add a settlement in your colour as instructed. Your opponent then also needs to defeat your settlements before they can win.